At age 14, transgender activist Jazz Jennings is already an for kids—and adults—everywhere. So far, she’s co-authored a semi-autobiographical , been named one of , and landed her own that will air this summer.
Most recently, though, she was named one of the newest faces of Clean & Clear, the skincare brand owned by personal care behemoth Johnson & Johnson. As part of Clean & Clear’s , Jennings shares her personal journey in a new ad, landing J&J on sending a message of support for transgender people in the process.
“I’ve always known exactly who I am,” she says in the video. “I was a girl trapped in a boy’s body. Growing up has been quite a struggle being transgender—especially in middle school…sometimes, I’ve even been called an ‘it.'”
But according to Jennings, she isn’t letting that stop her. “The real me is happy, and proud to be who I am,” she says. “And, I’m just having fun being one of the girls.”
Jennings told The Huffington Post that . “It’s really amazing, as it helps many teen girls who are struggling,” she said. “It helps them to find themselves and be true to who they are.”
Jennings was assigned male at birth but began living as a girl at age 5. Ever since being featured in a , she’s focused on fighting for .
While she is in every sense of the word, a special teenager the message behind Jennings’ latest move is universal: being yourself is always beautiful.
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